Learning, developing and sharing photographic skills throughout the season
A friendly and welcoming Photographic Club offering something for everyone whatever your experience level or interest
A Selection of Internet web addresses, sources of information, materials and consumables
SCOTTISH PHOTOGRAPHIC FEDERATION www.scottish-photographic-federation.org
NIKON www.nikon.com
CANON www.canon.co.uk
PANASONIC www.panasonic.com/uk/
FUJI www.fujifilm.eu/uk
PENTAX www.ricoh-imaging.co.uk
Olympus www.olympus.co.uk
Moray Office Supplies Edgar Road, Elgin 01343 549869 mosshop@morayoffice.co.uk
IT Central 37 South Street, Elgin 01343 233110 www.itcentral.scot
Elgin Gallery & Framers 7 South Street Elgin 01343 208141 www.elgingallery.co.uk
The Ultimate Savings Guide for Beginner Photographers: 50+ Tips and Resources (couponfollow.com)
Photography Basics - www.imagerelay.com/photography-basics-managing-and-storing-digital-files-electronically/
Photographer Websites
Dave Garthwaite- Fine Art, Architecture and Landscapes. www.dgshot.uk
E J Lazenby- Fine Art Photography. www.ejlazenby.com
Jeanette Lendon- Smartphone Photography www.jetblacksquares.com
Polina Plotnikova - Still Life / Flowers www.polinaplotnikova.com
Rebecca Gibson - rebeccaonthewing www.rebeccaonthewing.com
Moray Camera Club does not endorse, evaluate, advertise for, have any affiliation, or act as an agent for any of the products, services, or companies listed here. Moray Camera Club accepts no responsibility for the content of any of the products, services, or companies listed. All links given here are intended to be a source of information and education only.